May 10 Zodiac Sign: Birthday Horoscope, Personality, Love, Compatibility (2024)

The Zodiac sign for each person is unique to them, according to their birth date. The universal power over each of us is strong. Depending upon the date of your birth, you will feel the pull on a particular day, around particular numbers, and when in the presence of complementary signs.

Those born on May 10th are born under the sign of the Taurus and the symbol of the Bull. For the people born between April 20 and May 20, they have been given power under the sign of the Taurus to be kind, strong, attractive, healthy, and stubborn. With those being born May 10th, they are more likely to have the personality type of the Bull given that their birth date is in near the middle of the symbolic week.

The Taurus born May 10th is one who is mysterious and seductive, yet kind and collected. The Taurus is great at remaining secretive when needed but being completely open at times. Balancing the need for honesty and loyalty is a skill the Taurus has been granted. When around the Taurus, be sure to honor their need for privacy or secrecy and trust that they are operating on loyalty and not mischief.

A strong personality trait of this sign is the need to make a good first impression. The Taurus/Bull symbol is said to have originated with Zeus changing into a bull to impress a female. The bull in the Taurus knows how to adapt and present themselves to make the best impression possible. With this universal talent, the Taurus is well loved by most and remembered by all.

Elements and Symbols

All astrological signs and symbols are ruled by elements. The elements add a little punch to the universal gifts. The element associated with the Taurus is Earth. The Earth element brings a grounded, sensible outlook to those born on this day. The Earth brings a love of nature and an empathy for all. They release the strength they have in the world and how their presence affects those around them. As the Earth gives and takes life, the Taurus has similar abilities through their personality.

The Taurus must balance their Earth element to ensure one does not be seen as hard and unmalleable. One should be seen as flexible, offering help and stability to those around them. The ground offers a firm plantation for their footing and allows for growth and development of all. Earth takes and absorbs water, air, sunlight, and elements needed to fortify those growing within. The Taurus can use these ideals in their personal life by bringing in only the nutrients needed to allow for personal growth and offering their wealth of nutrients to others.

The ruling house of those born on May 10th is the second house. The second house represents possessions and wealth. The Taurus gains possessions and secure standing through their universal element of Earth. One must utilize their inner strength and skills to balance their possessions and their humility. One must not take their wealth too seriously and become greedy. Wealth is meant to offer stability in life, not greed and vengefulness.

The ruling body of the Taurus is Venus. Each zodiac sign has a ruling planet that brings about particular personality traits. The planet of Venus brings about indulgence. Those born on May 10th may be self-indulgent due to their strength and attractiveness. They feel as if they are deserving of life’s riches and do not wish to pass on memorable moments or times. Take care not to acquire too many possessions or develop a reputation as greedy.

The rule of Venus also lends an air of mystery to the Taurus. The mysterious personality trait may be granted through their zodiac sign, but the ruling planet brings a stronger power to this attribute. The need to remain mysterious and not show all their thoughts allows the Taurus to remain attractive.

Personality Traits

The personality trait of each Zodiac sign can vary between each person, but the general traits remain the same. The personal motto of those born May 10th is said to be “I own”. The motto reflects the Taurus’s love of possessions. The Taurus likes to possess and own items, but also thoughts, relationships, and areas of business. Those born on this day find that owning their behavior, thoughts, actions, and areas of business brings them a sense of control that carries over to all aspects of life.

One should be careful around the Taurus when in a relationship. With the borderline controlling personality, the Taurus may wish to use their power to own those around them. DO not let the power overtake your personal independence or thought processes. For those born May 10th, take great care not to see people as possessions that are to be acquired.

The Taurus is said to be generous and adaptable, stable and secure. Those born on this day are restless and daring, quick to take on a challenge. They are fun loving and reliable people who will not be late for an important date. High energy, persistent, dedicated individuals make great friends and business associates, as well as romantic partners.

A drawback to the personality trait of the Taurus is the stubborn, self-absorbed attitude that can develop. When one is strong, independent, and wealthy, the negative attributes of greed and selfishness can come about. As the May 10th born age over time there comes a sense of balance between the selfishness and independence. As with most people, maturity allows for the Taurus to grow and change and become more thoughtful and empathetic as times goes on.

Positive traits of those born May 10th:

  • Generous
  • Motivated
  • Intelligent
  • Wealthy
  • Strong
  • Fun
  • Joyful
  • Good friend/partner
  • Energetic
  • Determined
  • Wise
  • Adventurous
  • Stable
  • Giving

Negative traits of those born May 10th:

  • Stubborn
  • Not very flexible
  • Arrogant
  • Possessive
  • Controlling
  • Impulsive
  • Risky
  • Tantrums
  • Materialistic

Learning to utilize the positive and negative attributes of your personality together will help you to maximize the power of each. For example, being independent yet stubborn, you must learn to revel in the independence without being seen as stuck in your ways or without the ability to change as needed.

As a prideful person, be sure to not only take pride in your success, but also work to take pride in your failures. Learning from failure rather than having a tantrum, will bring you a balance to your personality and allow for respect and flexibility at work and at home. Be realistic about your goals and do not become upset when every plan does not go your way.

Those born May 10th must remain positive and in touch with their goals to reach their intended successes. When one comes short of their goal and quits, the realizations may never come true. A stubborn Taurus must work with what they have, understand their universal talents, and push through challenges to reach their true potential.

Love and Compatibility

Being in a relationship with a person can be a challenge over time, but when in a relationship with someone who is universally compatible, the relationship may become easier over time. Having a successful relationship requires many factors but having the very basic elements in place help to ensure longevity and overall happiness.

Those born on May 10th tend to be passionate, spirited individuals, focused on their relationships. They are loyal and devoted partners without the wish to ‘date around’. The intent of the Taurus focuses them to be partners that are engaged and present, with a purpose to their pairing.

Those born May 10th are attractive and creative people that most find interesting. The magnetism of the Taurus brings them potential mates but only those the Taurus finds a true connection with are kept. There is no need to waste time in the eyes of the Taurus. They are known to find similar minded people attractive. If you wish to win the heart of someone born on this day, be sure to be calm, collected, creative and fun. Remaining interesting and independent keeps the attention of the Taurus and helps keep the relationship fresh.

The Taurus is known to be a bit possessive and controlling. Be sure to keep the Taurus in line if you in the relationship. Do not allow the Taurus to see you are a possession to be controlled or the partner can be excessive in their manner to keep you secure. The Taurus may also be prone to fits of jealousy. Both negative traits are aspects of their intense and passionate personality trait. One must guide these traits in a positive way to ensure the negativity does not take hold.

Those born on the dates of 4, 6, 8, 13, 15, 17, 22, 24, 26 and 31are the most compatible with the one born May 10th. The celestial gifts of those born on these days blend well with the gifts of the Taurus and may lead to a less complicated relationship. The numbers may also translate to months or year of birth, along with the date. In the event, you find someone with these numbers in their birth date, keep hold of that person and remain confident that the universe has a plan for the two of you.

The Taurus is matched well with similar Earth signs. Those born under Virgo and Capricorn serve the Taurus well and complement their traits. The most compatible with Taurus is Scorpio. The Scorpio is interesting and mysterious and helps to keep the relationship alive and new, keeping the attractive Taurus committed to the relationship.

In the event you find yourself in a compatible sun sign and date that are listed, you are deemed to be a perfect match for someone born May 10th.


Luck is a matter of timing and hard work, but also a matter of celestial favor. Those born under certain signs and planetary pulls are more susceptible to luck on certain days and with certain numbers. The universe sets up luck for those in the material world to bring power and confidence, as well as reassurance that your path is successful.

Those born on May 10th have a lucky day of Friday. Friday is a lucky day due to the pull of the planet Venus. This planet brings connection, production, and flexibility to the Taurus. As we know from their natural disposition, the Taurus could use a bit of help in these areas. Doing important tasks and meetings on Friday may help the Taurus to remain open-minded and less selfish.

Lucky numbers for those born May 10th are 1, 8, 10, 11, and 26. These numbers come into play on birthdays, phone numbers, addresses, banking info, and anywhere else there may be numbers. You can follow these numbers as a path given to through the universe. The number are methods of numerology used to bring you to your divine purpose.

When deciding upon which home to buy, where to work, or a destination to travel, look to see which numbers align with your choices. For example, a zip code of one destination may have more favorable numbers than another. Follow the numbers that the universe planned for you and feel confident in your decision.

Those born on May 10th have a root number of 1. This root number brings you luck and focus. The number also brings a flexible outlook on life. One should focus on the number 1 and attempt to be mentally flexible and adaptable in life. These qualities allow for peace and happiness and help guard against the negative attribute of stubbornness.

The lucky stone for the Taurus is the ruby. The deep color of red brings passion and warmth to your personality. Those who see the ruby upon you are also sensing the warmth and confidence of your presence. Keeping a ruby nearby or wearing a piece of jewelry will bring you a sense of control and peace in your life, thereby granting luck.

The lucky color for those born this day is green. Green suggests a love of nature, stability, and grounded-ness. The color is soothing and favorable. Wearing this color or having walls or greenery this color in your life will help you to remain calm and open to life and be seen as a generous person. Pink and yellow are also lucky colors for the Taurus and can be used in conjunction with the green.

Copper is a lucky metal for the Taurus. Copper brings healing, innovation and wealth to those who receive its gifts. Wearing copper, having a piece in your pocket, or a piece on your desk can help to bring about your natural creativity and influence. In the event you dislike copper, steel can be used for a similar effect.

May 10 Zodiac Sign: Birthday Horoscope, Personality, Love, Compatibility (2024)


May 10 Zodiac Sign: Birthday Horoscope, Personality, Love, Compatibility? ›

A Taurus is happiest when they can spend their life with someone who shares their values and traditions. The Taurus is most compatible with another Taurus as they often want the same things.

What is Taurus most compatible with love? ›

Taurus and Cancer Compatibility — Ideal Match

In fact, these two signs make for one of the sweetest, most organically compatible pairings of the whole zodiac. The Bull's slow, security-loving vibe harmonizes with the Crab's heartfelt homebody personality.

Who is Taurus true love? ›

Taurus natives are most compatible with Scorpio, Capricorn, Virgo, and fellow Taureans. Taureans are least compatible with Leo and Aquarius. These spotlight-craving signs don't have their energy matched with Taureans.

Who can be Taurus soulmate? ›

For a Taurus, their soulmate is often someone who reciprocates their feelings in the same way. Taurus often looks for someone who is trustworthy, loyal, honest, and straightforward, qualities which are often found in other Taurus as well as Cancer, Capricorn, Virgo, and Pisces.

Who is Taurus birthday soulmate? ›

Virgo is an ideal Taurus soulmate for a bunch of reasons. Perse, when the two meet, there's crackling chemistry and instant liking. Both these zodiac signs value each other's emotions because they understand each other very well. A Virgo balances the stubborn nature of a Taurus born.

Who is a Taurus likely to marry? ›

The natives of Taurus show the sign of love and respect more to their partner who belongs to the best compatible signs, which is Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, and Pisces signs. Other than that, natives may fail to achieve their marriage goals if their partner is someone who is a native of Aquarius or Leo.

What is Taurus worst match? ›

Worst Match: Taurus and Sagittarius

In fact, these signs may be each other's worst nightmare. Sagittarius is ruled by their independence and passion — think of your friend whose lived in three different countries and regularly tries out a new extreme sport. Chances are, she's a Sag.

Are Taurus good in bed? ›

They know how to pamper and at the same time make the best of it in bed. They take care of their partners both emotionally and sexually and having a good time with them is always guaranteed." Keep these aspects in mind and read on some key points on what sex with Taurus is like.

What is a Taurus weakness in love? ›

Possessive, Jealous, and Controlling

If they sense something's amiss the jealousy and anger kicks in. If you're in a love relationship with a Taurus and they show these weaknesses, you should address these behaviors as quickly as possible and realistically access if the relationship should continue.

Does Taurus fall in love easily? ›

They also value stability and security in their relationships, which takes some time to establish. Because of this, Taurus is one of the slowest zodiac signs to fall in love. "Taurus needs a partner who they can trust," certified astrologer Kyla Derkach tells Bustle.

What is Taurus ideal mate? ›

Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are the best Sun sign matches for Taurus. Each is a water sign which is earthy Taurus's complementary element. This means they are naturally at ease with one another, and each provides the other with something the other lacks.

Who can Taurus not marry? ›

Taurus are typically incompatible with fire signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, as well as air signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Fire signs might be too fast-paced for the slow and steady bull, while air signs may not provide Taurus with the sense of consistency and security they long for in a partner.

What is the love language of a Taurus? ›

Taurus: Comfort

Taurus is all about comfort and stability when it comes to feeling loved. They need to find a home within their partner. Sensuality is important too–whether it's touch, music, or food, Taureans experience love through the senses.

Do Taurus stay in love? ›

The build up in a relationship is typically slow but steady with a Taurus. Even if it takes them a while to say I love you or further commit, when a Taurus is all in, they mean it. They may like to take care of their partner by cooking meals or by being of service in other little ways.

What year will Taurus fall in love? ›

2023 is set to be a big year for Taurus zodiac signs when it comes to love. The astrological alignment of the stars during this year will bring everyone born under this zodiac sign a sense of deep connection and appreciation in their relationships.

Who will break Taurus heart? ›

Aquarius (January 20 — February 18)

Once Taurus and Aquarius start dating, Brown says it will quickly turn into the worst decision a Taurus has ever made.

What are Taurus so attracted to? ›

The way to this man's heart begins by stimulating his physical senses. A Taurus man is attracted to visual beauty, sweet fragrances, and luxurious touch. However, to win the heart of a Taurus man, you must also be confident, serene, and honest.

Who is the twin flame of a Taurus? ›

Taurus, the earth sign known for its loyalty and sensuality, can often find its twin flame in Scorpio, the mysterious and intense water sign. Both signs share a deep understanding of passion, desire, and the power of emotional connections. Taurus provides stability and grounding, while Scorpio adds depth and intensity.

Who should a Taurus sleep with? ›

Taurus and Cancer will find stability and comfort in their sex life. Cancer's water sign energy makes them crave closeness with their partner, and that carries over into the bedroom, too. Between the sheets, these two are all about tenderness and exploring each other's bodies.

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