Novus Side Quests Guide - Final Bastion (2025)

Novus Side Quests

Mirroring our popular Main Questline guides, the Side Quests guide sets out to help players keep track of all their side questing as they become available or after players finish the main questline.

Quests will be listed by chronological availability along with the name of the NPC who gives the quest and the location the quest is accepted. A series of uninterrupted quests will be consider a questline and designated by letters next to the quest number. This article lists all the side quest available in the world Novus.

I have divided the quests in the Spiral into the following groups:

  • Talk:Quests that require an interaction with an NPC.
  • Mob:Quests that require the defeat of regular monsters.
  • Elite:Quests that require the defeat of an elite creature.
  • D&C:Quests that require the collection of something from certain monsters (Defeat and Collect).
  • Boss:Quests that require the defeat of a boss. Elite monsters are not counted as bosses.
  • Minor Cheat: Quests that require defeating a boss that cheats a little (these cheats can generally be ignored).
  • Cheat:Quests that require the defeat of a cheating boss (these cheats will hinder normal gameplay somewhat).
  • Major Cheat:Quests the require the defeat of a cheating boss (these cheats will hinder normal gameplay significantly).
  • Solo: Quests you need to do alone.
  • Instance:Quests that require the completion of a place behind a sigil with at least 2 battles.
  • Interact:Quests that require interaction with a certain object.
  • Explore: Quests that just require you to run towards a certain area, NPC or item.
  • Collect: Quests that require you to collect multiple items from areas.
  • Photomancy:Quests that require you to take a picture of an object using Photomancy.
  • Play as Your Pet: Quests that require you to utilize the Play as Your Pet feature.
  • Investigate: Quests that require you to search and collect for clues.

Novus Side Quests

1. A Yarn As Old As Time – Catmandu, Mooshu

    • Objectives: Instance(x2): (Mob + Intereact), Instance: (Minor Cheat + Interact)
    • Requires Completion: Illegally Smoldering Cats
    • NPC: Acolyte Ang
    • Rewards: World Spellements, 1000 Gold

Moo Bu Side Questline

Novus Side Quests Guide - Final Bastion (1)

2-A. Live And Die By The Horde – Catmandu, Mooshu

    • Objectives: Mob + Mob
    • Requires Completion: Scaredy Cats
    • NPC: Moo Bu
    • Rewards: World Spellements, 400 Gold

2-B. Aberrant Weight Of Massive Ego – Catmandu, Mooshu

    • Objectives: Interact(x3) + Talk + Elite
    • Requires Completion: Live And Die By The Horde
    • NPC: Moo Bu
    • Rewards: World Spellements, 600 Gold

2-C. Howl’s Moving Cannonball – Catmandu, Mooshu

    • Objective: Instance(Mob + Mob + Minor Cheat (Iron Face))
    • Requires Completion: Aberrant Weight Of Massive Ego
    • NPC: Moo Bu
    • Rewards: World Spellements, 400 Gold, Badge: Slapped The Iron Face

Novus Side Quests Guide - Final Bastion (2)

3. This Must Be The Place – Conatus, Novus

    • Objective: Collect
    • Requires Completion: Scaredy Cats
    • NPC: Prospector Zeke
    • Rewards: World Spellements, x1 Gold Key, x1 Training Point, 600 Gold, Badge

4. A Ribbit By Any Other Name – Conatus, Novus

    • Objective: Collect
    • Requires Completion: Scaredy Cats
    • NPC: Eloise Merryweather
    • Rewards: World Spellements, x1 Gold Key, x1 Training Point, 600 Gold, Badge

5. Cuckoo Clocks – Conatus, Novus

    • Objective: Minor Cheat (The Chronomonger)
    • Requires Completion: Scaredy Cats
    • NPC: Salavador
    • Rewards: World Spellements, 400 Gold

6. Can You Picture It? – Conatus, Novus

    • Objective: Photomancy(x4)
    • Requires Completion: Scaredy Cats
    • NPC: Staffordshire
    • Rewards: World Spellements, 400 Gold

7. Dye For Art – Conatus, Novus

    • Objective: Photomancy + Mob
    • Requires Completion: Scaredy Cats
    • NPC: Don Leonardo
    • Rewards: World Spellements, 400 Gold, Puerto Nuovo Painting

8. A Bunch Of Thieves – Puerto Nuovo, Novus

    • Objective: Defeat & Collect
    • Requires Completion: Scaredy Cats
    • NPC: Labradora Houndsley-Chewingston
    • Rewards: World Spellements, 300 Gold

9-A. Vex Mentallo Puerto Nuovo, Novus

    • Objective: Defeat & Collect
    • Requires Completion: Scaredy Cats
    • NPC: Rana
    • Rewards: World Spellements, 300 Gold

9-B. The Princess Request – Puerto Nuovo, Novus

    • Objective: Collect + Interact + Mob
    • Requires Completion: Vex Mentallo
    • NPC: Rana
    • Rewards: World Spellements, 600 Gold

10. Dirty Tricks – Conatus, Novus

    • Objective: Photomancy + Collect + Instance(Mob) + Explore
    • Requires Completion: Gone To The Dogs
    • NPC: Don Leonardo
    • Rewards: World Spellements, 1200 Gold, New Vicorgia Painting

Rententen Side Questline

Novus Side Quests Guide - Final Bastion (3)

11-A. The Clash Of Dogs – New Vicorgia, Novus

    • Objective: Mob + Talk + Talk
    • Requires Completion: The Deepest Circle of Well
    • NPC: Lassie
    • Rewards: World Spellements, 300 Gold

11-B. While Marleybone Sleeps – Regent’s Square, Marleybone

    • Objective: Instance(Mob)
    • Requires Completion: The Clash Of Dogs
    • NPC: Nenette
    • Rewards: World Spellements, 300 Gold

11-C. Dogs Of The Regiment – New Vicorgia, Novus

    • Objective: Talk(x4)
    • Requires Completion: While Marleybone Sleeps
    • NPC: Lassie
    • Rewards: World Spellements, 300 Gold

11-D. Rough Waiters – Puerto Nuovo, Novus

    • Objective: Instance(Major Cheat (Gourmand Ramsey)) + Talk
    • Requires Completion: Dogs Of The Regiment
    • NPC: Monquistan Butler
    • Rewards: World Spellements, 600 Gold

Gourmand Ramsey Boss Cheats

Health: 13,135

Resist: 40% Universal

School: Fire

Boss Cheats:

  • Does this chicken look cooked to you?” –Gourmand summons Apollo Bright One and casts 100% Intercept
  • There’s enough garlic in here to defeat every Vampire in Darkmoor!” – Blades, Bubbles, and Traps will trigger a Monster Mash casted on either the target of the blade spell or the Wizard with the lowest health. This spell deals damage equivalent to 25% of the player’s health and ignores hanging effects.
  • You’ve used so much thyme, the professor arrived in the telegraph box to save us all!” –Unknown spell

11-E. Tracked In Ice Country – La Ville Rose, Novus

    • Objective: Instance(Major Cheat (Rententen)) + Talk
    • Requires Completion: Dogs Of The Regiment
    • NPC: Citizen Patrol
    • Rewards: World Spellements, 300 Gold

Rententen Boss Cheats

Health: 14,595

Resist: 45% Universal

School: Death

Boss Cheats:

  • Bad Timing” –When Rententen takes damage he heals 100% of his base health
  • You Can’t Spy on a Legendary Spy” –After defeating the minions Rententen adds a Legendary Spy item card to the players hand. This will allow the caster to see Rententen’s spell during card selection
  • Take Your Shot” – Rententen will say this the round he casts Snowball barrage. During this round he will not heal after taking damage.
  • Missed Your Chance” –Indicates that players missed the round to damage Rententen and that he will heal if hit.

Check out our Rententen Guide for an in-depth strategy for this boss!

Novus Side Quests Guide - Final Bastion (4)

12. Feathers And Stone – Conatus, Novus

    • Objective: Photomancy + Defeat & Collect
    • Requires Completion: No Bad Deed
    • NPC: Don Leonardo
    • Rewards: World Spellements, 400 Gold, Stone Of Heaven Painting

13. Alone On The Stone – Stone Of Heaven, Novus

    • Objective: Mob
    • Requires Completion: Heaven Is A Place Disturbed
    • NPC: Nigel Scruffington
    • Rewards: World Spellements, 200 Gold

14. You And Megrims – Conatus, Novus

    • Objective: Photomancy + Mob
    • Requires Completion: One Fish, Shoe Fish
    • NPC: Don Leonardo
    • Rewards: World Spellements, 300 Gold, La Ville Rosa Painting

15. Trust The Press – La Ville Rose, Novus

    • Objective: Collect
    • Requires Completion: One Fish, Shoe Fish
    • NPC: Salonard
    • Rewards: World Spellements, 200 Gold

16. The Devil Wears Dada – La Ville Rose, Novus

    • Objective: Instance(Boss)
    • Requires Completion: One Fish, Shoe Fish
    • NPC: Avant Guard
    • Rewards: World Spellements, 300 Gold

17. MMO People, MMO Problems – La Ville Rose, Novus

    • Objective: Instance(Boss)
    • Requires Completion: Table Flip
    • NPC: Avant Guard
    • Rewards: World Spellements, 300 Gold

18. Waiting For Who Knows – La Ville Rose, Novus

    • Objective: Instance(Major Cheat(The Abyss))
    • Requires Completion: The Quakespiracy
    • NPC: Avant Guard
    • Rewards: World Spellements, 300 Gold

The Abyss Boss Cheats

Health: 14,595

Resist: *Immune*

School: Shadow

Boss Cheats:

  • You’re late!” – Casts -75% mass infection
  • The Abyss fears no attack.” – Uses an afterlife affect to convert healing into damage.
  • The Abyss has a secret for you” –Beguiles a player – This will allow you to heal the boss to deal damage
  • “The Abyss will defend itself”– Casts -80% heal shield
  • “The Abyss cannot allow you to heal” – Casts doom and gloom
  • The Abyss cannot tolerate these Heals…– Cast’s a random spell including Dragonspear, Power Current, or Scarecrow

Check out our other Novus Guides!

Novus Main Quests

Novus Gear Guide

  • Novus Side Quests Guide - Final Bastion (7)
  • Novus Side Quests Guide - Final Bastion (8)
  • Novus Side Quests Guide - Final Bastion (9)
  • Novus Side Quests Guide - Final Bastion (10)
  • Novus Side Quests Guide - Final Bastion (11)

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Novus Side Quests Guide - Final Bastion (2025)


Who is the final boss in Novus? ›

The Aeon of Atavus is the final boss in the world of Novus, and is the best source of Sword, Pins, and Pixel reagents.

What is there to do in Wizard101? ›

Discover a Magical World

It's all about you and your choices. As you progress, you will enjoy lots of other activities such as dueling against other Wizards, playing challenging mini games in the Wizard City Mini Game Fairegrounds, and even using different dyes to change the colors of your clothes.

Should I do Grizzleheim or Marleybone first? ›

You should do Marleybone first. Grizzleheim is made for Grandmasters (Level 50). Not that it's difficult but that it doesn't give high amounts of experience points. If your looking to level up and progress through the game then you should avoid Grizzleheim.

What level should I be for Marleybone? ›

Re: What Lvl Were You When You Got To Marleybone? Alot of you guys are off track (No offense). All of my friends, family members and others that have gotten MB got there at at least level 20. My advise to getting there on time is to skip any side quests in the tomb of storms.

What boss is after Cthulhu? ›

In Terraria, boss progression typically starts with the Eye of Cthulhu, followed by either the Eater of Worlds or Brain of Cthulhu based on world the Corruption/Crimson. Skeletron must be defeated to enter the Dungeon, and the Queen Bee is found in the Jungle.

Is Corvus the final boss? ›

Corvus is the final boss of Thymesia, located in the Ocean of Memories.

Is Gwyn the final boss? ›

Gwyn, The Lord of Cinder, is the final boss of Dark Souls. He is the father of Gwynevere (the woman who gives you the Lord Vessel) and Gwyndolin (the optional boss in Anor Londo). This final boss is located at the Kiln of the First Flame.

What is the unformed creature in w101? ›

The Unformed Beast or Unformed Creature is a primitive beast that appeared before the Wizard when they were in the unformed Conatus, the hub of the world of Novus, which was then in the process of being created after Shards of the world splintered off the main part of it into the Spiral.

How do you get juju in w101? ›

At level 72/High Road, Friar Nolan in Caliburn will offer you the "No Pain, No Agravaine" quest for Mass Infection. At level 75/The Wild, Fianna Yellowknife in High Road will offer you the quest, "Always After Me Charms," and that will finally earn you the Bad Juju spell!

What level is Novus? ›

Although these spells are for the level 150-160 range world, they're awarded very early on in the quest line. Here's a look at what they do and my ratings for and thoughts on the effects and visuals.

What is the strongest class in Wizard101? ›

Here is a list of the schools in the order of their strength, along with their average strength.
  • Storm (478)
  • Fire (368)
  • Myth (365)
  • Ice (359)
  • Death (333)
  • Life (323)
  • Balance (292)

What is the most powerful spell in Wizard101? ›

One opponent Judgement PERIOD is the most effective spell considering damage potential and accuracy. More than one opponent Storm Lord. The strongest spell in the game is definately wild bolt.

What is the easiest school in Wizard101? ›

If you're looking for quickest, and don't mind dying every so often: , preferably with secondary. P.S. Parts of Khrysalis can be next to impossible to solo, period. Level 100 , 50 , and a in Celestia somewhere. Death is the best school for solo play and I see tons of players leveling as death because of this.

How many quests does Marleybone have? ›

Marleybone has 50 quests. It has 22 bosses; the biggest one being against Meowiarty. There is only 2 Defeat and Collect quests, but 24 regular mob fights (18 of which are in the last three instances).

How long does it take to 100% complete hollow Knight? ›

Read More. How long is Hollow Knight? When focusing on the main objectives, Hollow Knight is about 27 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 64 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

What is the last quest in Marleybone? ›

The quest The Last Meow is the final quest in Marleybone requiring to climb the Tower Big Ben and defeat Meowiarty. You can use the Marleybone Quest Tree to track your progress as it relates to your quests in Marleybone.

How long does it take to get vulpera? ›

What is this? The Vulpera Allied Race was made available in Battle for Azeroth, and unlocking it will require completing content from that expansion. You can do the first step as early as level 10, but you will need to be level 30 to do the quests in Vol'dun, and level 50 to access the final series of quests.

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.