What Is Cerenia for Dogs It & What Does It Do? (2024)

One of the things people don’t always realize is that dogs can get motion sickness, just like we do when traveling in cars, boats, planes, or subways. Because a puppy’s inner ear is less developed than an adult, they may be more prone to motion sickness. However, the conflict between visually perceived movement and the movement sensed by the vestibular system can also affect adult dogs. If your vet has prescribed Cerenia for your dog, here are some things you should know.

What Is Cerenia & What Does It Do?

Veterinarians often prescribe Cerenia for dogs that regularly suffer from motion sickness and a variety of other upset stomach issues. Not only does it control the symptoms of motion sickness, but it can also prevent them from happening in the first place.

What Is Cerenia for Dogs?

The first FDA-approved drug for use in dogs with nausea, Cerenia also has pain relief, anti-inflammatory, and anxiety-reducing properties. A digestive medicine for dogs used mainly for motion sickness, it is also used to treat acute or sudden onset of vomiting. It is cleared for use in dogs older than sixteen weeks suffering from motion sickness as well as for dogs older than eight weeks who suffer from acute vomiting.

What Does Cerenia for Dogs Do?

Cerenia has two primary uses: treating nausea and vomiting due to diseases that cause acute vomiting and treating vomiting caused by motion sickness.

Conditions That Can Cause Acute Vomiting

  • Acute pancreatitis
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Kidney failure
  • Cholangitis
  • Chemotherapy
  • Gastrointestinal obstruction
  • Central nervous system (CNS) disease
  • Uremia
  • Hypercalcemia

In addition to treating the vomiting and nausea caused by these conditions, Cerenia can also prevent vomiting in dogs treated with opioids for pain relief.

Vomiting Caused by Motion Sickness

Cerenia for dogs is mainly used to treat motion sickness. Given by mouth two hours prior to travel with your dog, Cerenia can effectively keep your dog from throwing up. Maropitant citrate, the active ingredient in Cerenia, competes with the neurotransmitter that communicates with the brain’s vomiting center.

Symptoms of Motion Sickness in Dogs

When traveling with your dog, keep an eye on them to see if they are suffering from motion sickness and may be nauseous. Dogs are experts at hiding their stomach pains, so you’ll have to monitor their reactions. However, if your dog seems anxious, unhappy, and doesn’t want to get in the car, it may be because they’ve gotten motion sickness in the past or at least felt physically uncomfortable in the car. Motion sickness in dogs can happen when traveling in a vehicle of any type.

Motion sickness signs to watch for include:

  • Whining
  • Excessive lip licking
  • Yawning
  • Drooling
  • Trembling/shaking
  • Excessive panting
  • Vomiting

How Cerenia for Dogs Works

Cerenia helps prevent and manage vomiting. Nausea from motion sickness is caused by the complex relationship between the eyes and the vestibular system located in the ear. The vestibular system is responsible for collecting and processing information about balance and motion. When the vestibular system feels something different than the eyes see, nausea and vomiting can occur.

When this occurs, the brain sends signals that trigger vomiting. Cerenia prevents these signals from being sent. It competitively antagonizes substance P, a neurotransmitter responsible for triggering nausea and vomiting. This keeps your dog from feeling or getting sick.

How to Administer Cerenia for Dogs

Cerenia can be administered by mouth or by injection. If by injection, your vet will administer it to your dog at their practice. Vets also administer Cerenia injections prior to surgery when pre-anesthetic opioids are used. Below we will discuss how to administer Cerenia by mouth.

How much Cerenia you should give your dog is governed by the age of your dog and why your vet prescribed it for them. When Cerenia is used as a treatment for acute vomiting caused by a disease, condition, or side effect from different medication, the youngest your dog can be to take Cerenia is two months of age. If your vet has prescribed it as a treatment for motion sickness, your dog has to be at least four months of age.

Cerenia is taken by mouth in tablet form and comes in 16 mg, 24 mg, 60 mg, and 160 mg strengths. The pills should be given with food two hours prior to travel. Give Cerenia on an empty stomach, your dog should not have eaten an hour prior to administering the drug.

As with most drugs, how much you administer to your dog depends on how much they weigh. The dosage for Cerenia is currently set at about 2 mg/kg body weight, once daily for two days, if needed. You must then wait three days before giving your dog Cerenia again in a two-day period.

Here are the dosage for amounts for motion sickness according to your dog’s weight.

· 2.0-2.2 lbs — half of a 16 mg pill (8 mg)

· 2.3-3.3 lbs — half of a 24 mg pill (12 mg)

· 3.4-4.4 lbs — one 16 mg pill

· 4.5-6.6 lbs — one 24 mg pill

· 6.7-8.8 lbs — two 16 mg pills (32 mg)

· 8.9-13.2 lbs — two 24 mg pills (48 mg)

· 13.3-16.5 lbs — one 60 mg pill

· 16.6-22.0 lbs — half of a 160 mg pill (80 mg)

· 22.1-33.0 lbs — two 60 mg pills (120 mg)

· 33.1-44.0 lbs — one 160 mg pill

· 44.1-66.0 lbs — one and half 160 mg pills (240 mg)

· 66.1-88.0 lbs — two 160-mg pills (320 mg)

· 88.1-132.0 lbs — three 160 mg pills (480 mg)

When treating acute vomiting due to other medication or a disease, Cerenia doses are a little different. The guidelines state when your dog is two months to seven months old, you can administer a dose once each day. The dosage is determined by their weight and can be given for five consecutive days. If your dog is older than seven months, you can administer a dose once a day until the vomiting stops or according to your vet’s instructions. Here are the recommended doses based on weight:

· 2.2-8.8 lbs — half of a 16 mg pill (8 mg)

· 8.9-17.6 lbs — one 16 mg pill

· 17.7-26.4 lbs — one 24 mg pill

· 26.5-52.8 lbs — two 24 mg pills (48 mg)

· 52.9-66.0 lbs — one 60 mg pill

· 66.1-132.0 lbs — two 60 mg pills (120 mg)

Wrap the pill in a bit of deli meat to give to your dog. If you hide the pill in foods such as sausage or cheese can delay the absorption of the drug.

What If You Forget a Dose

If you miss or forget a dose, give them their regular dose as soon as you realize you forgot. If you remember close to the time of their next regular dose, or a few hours prior, skip the missed dose completely and administer the next pill at the regular time. Never double the Cerenia dose, even if you forgot one.

What to Do in the Event of an Overdose

In the case of an accidental overdose of Cerenia, immediately take your dog to your vet to get medical attention. It will most likely be safe, but occasionally some dogs react badly to too much Cerenia. Signs of an overdose include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Irregular breathing
  • Bloody stool
  • Tremors
  • Loss of appetite

When an overdose is suspected, it is important to seek medical advice and attention from your vet immediately.

Potential Side Effects of Cerenia

Maropitant citrate, the active ingredient in Cerenia, has proven to be much safer than other anti-nausea drugs because it targets a specific neurotransmitter. In addition, it doesn’t bind other CNS receptors, only ones that transmit signals to the vomiting center. However, although it is highly specific, this doesn’t mean that are no side effects.

There are many possible side effects that your dog could experience when they take Cerenia. Possible side effects include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Drowsiness
  • Lethargy or weakness
  • Watery bowel movement
  • Increased salivation or drooling

Cerenia has also been known to cause life-threatening anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction, in 1 out of 10,000 dogs. Anaphylaxis causes the immune system to release a flood of chemicals that can cause your dog to go into shock. Although this reaction is very rare, knowing the signs of anaphylaxis will help you take quick action, just in case.

Signs of anaphylaxis include:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Swelling of the lips, tongue, and face
  • Skin changes, such as rash

Contact your vet right away if your dog has any of these symptoms.

Things to Know about Cerenia

It can be a little nerve-wracking to give your dog a medication or drug you haven’t used before, but Cerenia is safe when you stick to the guidelines. Most importantly, it is approved by the FDA as safe and effective for dogs, so there is no need to worry.

As we’ve mentioned above, the dosage amount and course of treatment are different depending on what condition is being treated. This means when treating motion sickness, Cerenia should be given once daily for two days in a row. You must then wait three days to give it again if needed.

For acute vomiting, Cerenia can be administered for five days in a row consecutively, with one dose a day. We have set out the amounts you need to give your dog based on their weight further on. You should always administer the Cerenia drug with a small amount of food, like a bit of deli meat. Your dog will need to have an empty stomach an hour before administering it.

Your vet will also go over these guidelines with you when they prescribe Cerenia for your dog.

What You Should Tell Your Vet Before They Prescribe Cerenia

Cerenia works to stop vomiting, but there are some diagnoses you should mention to your vet when discussing the drug. If your dog has a pre-existing diagnosis of liver dysfunction, seizures, epilepsy, kidney disease, or cardiovascular problems, let your vet know. You should also tell your vet if your dog is taking other medications since certain drugs can interact with Cerenia.

Tell your vet if your dog is pregnant, lactating, or nursing. There have very few studies on the effects of Cerenia in these cases, so you won’t want to take any chances. In addition, let your vet know if your dog has ever eaten a toxic substance, as your vet may decide to give them a different anti-nausea drug in place of Cerenia.

We’d like to reiterate that Cerenia is safe, and these points are not meant to scare you. It is always better to act with an abundance of caution when it comes to medication for your dog. Tell your vet anything you think might interfere with the effectiveness of Cerenia or cause an adverse reaction.

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What Is Cerenia for Dogs It & What Does It Do? (2024)


What Is Cerenia for Dogs It & What Does It Do? ›

Maropitant citrate (brand name: Cerenia®) is an antiemetic used to treat vomiting and motion sickness in dogs and cats. It also may act as a mild pain control medication.

How does Cerenia make dogs feel? ›

Since dogs with old dog syndrome have abnormalities of the vestibular system, Cerenia can help counteract resulting nausea. Additionally, Cerenia might have anti-anxiety properties as well, which can help reduce the anxiety that some dogs with vestibular disease seem to experience.

How long does it take for Cerenia to work in dogs? ›

They are packaged in blister packs containing four tablets and come in 16 mg, 24 mg, 60 mg, and 160 mg doses. Oral Cerenia can take 1 to 2 hours to take effect. The manufacturer recommends giving Cerenia orally 2 hours before car rides to prevent motion sickness. Give the medication with a small amount of food.

Is Cerenia a pain reliever for dogs? ›

In response to the need for novel pain management strategies in veterinary medicine, maropitant is increasingly being used for treating both acute and chronic pain in dogs, despite a paucity of assessments of its efficacy in this role.

Is cerenia for dogs a sedative? ›

Cerenia is non-sedating, which means it shouldn't cause drowsiness.

Does Cerenia make animals sleepy? ›

Rest assured, these occurrences are rare and often mild. Keep an eye out for: Mild sleepiness: Some pets may experience mild drowsiness, which is usually temporary and resolves on its own. Vomiting: Up to 1 in 10 animals vomit after Cerenia tablets, even if travel hasn't yet started.

Does Cerenia stop coughing in dogs? ›

In addition to anti-nausea effects, Cerenia is also used to prevent coughing and even to treat pain in dogs, says Dr. Anna Massey, V.M.D., veterinarian and director of emergency and critical care at Red Bank Veterinary Hospital in New Jersey.

Does Cerenia make dogs poop? ›

What are the side effects of Cerenia® for dogs? Cerenia® is well tolerated in most dogs, but uncommon side effects can include decreased energy level (lethargy), loss of appetite (anorexia), drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of balance (ataxia), and trembling.

Should dogs take Cerenia on an empty stomach? ›

Cerenia usually makes a dog feel much better. Dogs feel more comfortable because Cerenia blocks nausea signals sent to the vomiting center in the brain. Dogs can take Cerenia on an empty stomach; in fact, this is a good idea. The best time to give Cerenia is an hour before a big meal when their stomach is empty.

Is Cerenia an appetite stimulant? ›

Maropitant (Cerenia®) is not technically an appetite stimulant, but it's an anti-nausea medication and, as such, may help improve a dog's appetite. Often, dogs that won't eat are feeling nauseous even if they do not actually vomit. Antinausea medications can be useful to help them eat more consistently.

Is Cerenia safe for older dogs? ›

Cerenia Dosage and Administration

CERENIA Tablets are recommended for use in dogs 16 weeks and older.

What is an alternative to cerenia for dogs? ›

Anti-nausea medication: Maropitant (Cerenia®, a veterinary-specific prescription medication), dimenhydrinate (Dramamine® and Gravol®), and meclizine (Antivert® and Bonine®) can prevent vomiting in a stressed pet.

How long can a dog go without eating? ›

How Long Can a Dog Go Without Food? Dogs can usually go three to five days without food, however, this is not ideal. If your dog has gone two days without food, it is highly recommended you call a veterinarian if you haven't already. More important than your dog eating is their water intake.

How many hours does Cerenia last in dogs? ›

The duration of the effect is approximately 24 hours and, therefore, tablets can be given the night before administration of an agent that may cause emesis (e.g. chemotherapy). Cerenia can be used to treat or prevent vomiting either as tablets or as solution for injection administered once daily.

Can I give my dog gabapentin and Cerenia together? ›

You can indeed give gabapentin and Cerenia at the same time with no bad effects. Neither drug will interact with each other.

Does Cerenia cause heavy breathing in dogs? ›

Also, your pet may have a serious allergic reaction if he's never taken Cerenia before. These symptoms may include hives, swelling of the facial area, and/or difficulty breathing. If this should occur, it will require emergency veterinary attention, which is an important to consider wherever you are traveling.

Do dogs need to eat with Cerenia? ›

Cerenia is taken by mouth in tablet form and comes in 16 mg, 24 mg, 60 mg, and 160 mg strengths. The pills should be given with food two hours prior to travel. Give Cerenia on an empty stomach, your dog should not have eaten an hour prior to administering the drug.

Does Cerenia taste bad? ›

Check with your veterinarian before crushing a tablet. Okay, so your cat is too smart for the pill in a treat method, or the pill is just too bad tasting (such as with Cerenia or metronidazole - very bitter tasting meds).

Does anti-nausea medicine make you sleepy? ›

Many anti-emetics have side effects. Many can make you sleepy and make it more likely that you will fall. Talk to your doctor or cancer care team about what side effects you might have from the anti-emetics.

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