Wizard101 Mirage Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (2024)

Wizard101 Mirage Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (1)

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This guide is meant as a tool to follow your progress while questing in Mirage as well as a warning for when a cheating boss is coming soon. For this guide, I’m only listing the main quest line quests, aka storyline quests, which means the ones you have to do in order to get to the next area. Side quests are not mentioned.

I list the quests you have to do in a certain area. The areas are listed in the order you should do them in (unless otherwise specified). The area is not always one hundred percent correct, as certain quests can require you to run back and forward between areas to talk to people. To simplify matters, I have not listed this kind of running; the quest will say “talk” but not where the NPC is located. Also, if there is only one quest in an area, I will not mention the area seperately. Between brackets are the different parts of the quest, as a quest will often require you to do multiple things.

I have divided the quests in the Spiral into the following groups:

  • Talk: Quests that require an interaction with an NPC.
  • Mob: Quests that require the defeat of regular monsters.
  • D&C: Quests that require the collection of something from certain monsters (Defeat and Collect).
  • Boss: Quests that require the defeat of a boss. Elite monsters are not counted as bosses.
  • Minor Cheat: Quests that require defeating a boss that cheats a little (these cheats can generally be ignored).
  • Cheat: Quests that require the defeat of a cheating boss (these cheats will hinder normal gameplay somewhat).
  • Major Cheat: Quests the require the defeat of a cheating boss (these cheats will hinder normal gameplay significantly).
  • Instance: Quests that require the completion of a place behind a sigil with at least 2 battles.
  • Puzzle: Quests that require the solution to a puzzle.
  • Interact: Quests that require interaction with a certain object.
  • Collect: Quests that require interaction with multiple items of a kind.
  • Explore: Quests that just require you to run towards a certain area, NPC or item.
  • Solo: Quests you need to do alone.

Note that some of the quests might be labeled “defeat and collect” in game, but actually appear as mob battles in my guide. This is because many of the D&C quests in Mirage actually give you the item required on the first try. Only fights where I actually had to fight the same mob twice to get the item are labeled as D&C. The rest are labeled as mob fights. Maybe I just got lucky in some cases, so don’t hesitate to correct me in the comments if a mob quest took you multiple fights to complete!

Mirage Main Quest Line Guide

Wizard101 Mirage Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (2)

World Info

Mirage has a total of 115 quests. Of those quests, there are 52 regular mob fights, and only 13 Defeat and Collect quests (I think, correct me if I’m counting wrong XD)! There is a total of 58 boss fights. Of these bosses, 29 are cheaters of some kind, though not all of them are equally severe.There are 3 quests you have to do solo: one in the very beginning of Mirage and two somewhere past the half-way point.

Mirage went back to the tradition of doing areas in a certain order, and finishing one before going on to the next. This makes it different from for example Khrysalis, where it was hard to see your progress because you kept having to go back to old areas. I’ve always preferred worlds to be divided into clear areas to finish before moving on to the next one.

Mirage is longer than Polaris, but shorter than Azteca. I’d say it’s almost the perfect length for a world! I was a little disappointed when I came to the end, because I had mentally prepared myself for a longer world, but I do appreciate that it didn’t drag on too long.

My favorite quest is the one where you chase someone on a flying carpet (forgive my memory; I can’t remember who we were chasing). I did like many of the other quests and bosses as well though. For me, this was as close to the perfect world as you can get. Mirage had definitely deserved a place in my top 3 worlds, along with Avalon and Polaris.

The Arcanum

1. Post-Polaris Prognosis (talk + explore + talk + talk)
2. The Eye of History (solo: talk + explore + talk 3x + explore + mob + interact + minor cheat + talk)
3. Return from Ravenwood (talk 5x)
4. The Sand Sea (solo: interact + explore + mob + interact + explore + minor cheat + interact + talk)
5. Shifting Sand (interact + talk)


6. The Tired Nomad (talk)
7. The West Road (explore + talk)
8. Ghulture Bones (D&C + talk)
9. Mother Ghulture (explore + major cheat + talk)
10. To Caravan! (explore + talk + talk)
11. The South Road (explore + talk)
12. Rolling Thunder (D&C + talk)
13. The Jeweled Box (explore + cheat + interact + talk)
14. The Talibs’ Set Up (explore + talk + talk)
15. The North Road (explore + talk)
16. Prickly Predicament (D&C + talk)
17. Tent City (talk + talk + talk)
18. The Pale Djinni (instance: talk + mob + cheat + talk)

Wizard101 Mirage Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (3)

Alkali Barrows

19. Darkness in the Desert (talk)
20. lkali Barrows (explore + talk)
21. The Renegade Durvish (D&C+ talk)
22. The Barracks Barrow (mob + talk)
23. Threat of the Overlord (interact + explore + talk)
24. A Helping Hand (instance: mob+ mob+ cheat + talk)
25. Talking Head (explore + talk)
26. Hassan’s Price (D&C + talk)
27. Most Valued Treasure (instance: mob + mob + quadruple cheat + talk)
28. Xerxes’ Wrath (instance: mob + mob + major cheat + talk)
29. Return of the Overlord (talk + talk)


30. Assistance from Aggrobah (explore + talk + explore + talk)
31. City of Thieves (explore + talk)
32. Sultana Sharzad (explore + talk)
33. The King’s Vizier (explore + mob + talk + talk)
34. Fooling the Ferals (explore + D&C+ explore + mob + interact + talk)
35. The Thuggies’ Stash (explore + D&C + explore + mob + interact + talk)
36. Stolen Goods, Stolen Vault (explore + mob + talk + (instance: mob + mob + interact) + talk)
37. Fangs Reprisal (explore + talk)
38. Feral’s Alleyway (instance: mob + boss)
37. Fangs Reprisal (explore + mob + talk)
39. The Silent Sabers (explore)
40. Quiet Bungalow (instance: mob + boss)
39. The Silent Sabers (talk)
41. Shock the Monkey (instance: explore + mob + explore + boss + explore + talk)
42. Snakes in a Palace (talk)
43. Kasra Palace (instance: mob + mob + boss)
42. Snakes in a Palace (talk + talk)
44. Truce Talks (explore)
45. Four Points (explore + cheat)
44. Truce Talks (talk)

Wizard101 Mirage Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (4)

Caterwaul Canyons

46. House Qhats (talk + talk)
47. House Under Siege (talk + mob + talk)
48. The Count’s Claim (talk + explore + talk)
49. The Chosen One (explore + talk)
50. Trial of the Sand Wurms (D&C)
51. Cavern of the Wurm (instance: mob + explore + puzzle + major cheat + explore + talk)
52. The Purrzian Vassals (instance: mob + boss + boss + talk)
53. The Agouti Chronoshard (instance: mob + mob + boss + explore + interact + talk)
54. Chronomancer Consultation (explore + interact + talk)
55. Reading the Chronoshard (talk)
56. The Claim and the Fury (explore + boss + talk)
57. Irreverence (explore + mob + elite + major cheat + talk)

Rubal Wastes

58. A Growing Alliance (explore + talk)
59. House Calixco (D&C+ explore + talk)
60. The Mad Baron (explore + elite + talk)
61. Mission Impossible (instance: minor cheat + double minor cheat + triple cheat + talk)
62. Secret of the Snakes (talk + mob + talk + talk)

Wizard101 Mirage Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (5)


63. Into Istanboa (talk + mob + explore + boss + interact + talk)
64. Renegade Reptile (talk + D&C + talk)
65. Atrocious Architect (explore + boss + talk)
66. Construction Junction (mob + explore + boss + interact + talk)
67. Istanboa Was Catstantinople (instance: mob + mob + boss + talk)
68. Hairkonnen Heiress (explore + mob + boss + talk)
69. The Aridian Chronoshard (instance: talk + mob + boss + minor cheat + interact + talk)
70. Plizkin’s Promise (explore + talk)
71. Return to Calixco Manor (explore + talk)
72. The Baron’s Last Stand (instance: mob + elite + cheat + talk)

Yakhal Mountain

73. Journey to Yakhal Mountain (explore + talk)
74. Sayameez, If You Please (talk + explore + talk)
75. Rebels with a Cause (D&C + (instance: mob + boss) + talk)
76. The Ice Kennels (talk + D&C+ talk)
77. The Rebel Rouser (instance: mob + boss + boss + talk)
78. The Legend of Babble (explore + talk)
79. Rules of Babble (mob + talk)
80. Nabopolassar (explore + talk)
81. Halls of Confusion (instance: cheating mob + boss + boss + talk)
82. Returner of the Lost Ark (interact + talk)
83. Breaking the Hardline (instance: mob + elite + cheat + talk)
84. The Aggrobah Alliance (talk)
85. Enemy at the Gate (cheat + talk)
86. Thuggie Surprise (explore + boss + talk)
87. Monkey Business (explore + interact +talk)
88. Devinn the Drifter (D&C + talk)
89. Devinn’s Dance Squad (interact + explore + talk)

Wizard101 Mirage Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (6)

Thieves Den

90. Just Dance (explore + interact + talk)
91. The Underden (instance: mob + cheat + boss + explore + talk)
92. The Fortee Thieves (D&C + talk)
93. Ali Baboon’s Last Stand (instance: boss + cheat + talk)

Aggrobah / Caravan / Eerem Palace

94. Rescuing Istar (explore + interact + talk)
95. The Djinn Conspiracy (explore + talk)
96. The Eerem Tablet (instance: mob + boss + double boss + interact + talk)
97. Home Within a Home (talk + interact + interact)
98. Eerkala’s Secret (D&C + (instance: boss + boss + boss + major cheat + talk))
99. Seeking Hope (talk)

Wizard City / Arcanum / Caravan / Caterwaul Canyons

100. Dispatch from Wizard City (talk)
101. The Cabal’s Code (talk + talk + talk)
102. Darkkettle’s Dark Business (solo: explore + interact + cheat + talk)
103. Trial of the Understudy (solo: talk + boss + talk)
104. History of the Cabal (explore + interact + talk)
105. Return to Mirage (talk + talk)
106. Against Time (explore)
107. Zruvan Grotto (instance: explore + mob + boss + mob + interact 2x + talk + cheat + explore + interact + explore)
106. Against Time (talk)
108. Slipping Time (talk)

Wizard101 Mirage Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (7)


109. Just Like Old Times (explore + interact + talk)
110. Confronting the Cabal (instance: mob + cheat + interact + talk)
111. The Sands of Time (explore + cheat + interact + minor cheat + interact + major cheat + interact + talk)
112. Showdown with Spider (explore)
113. Grandfather Spider (instance: talk + major cheat + talk) (guide)
112. Showdown with Spider (interact + talk)
114. The Sands Restored (explore + talk)
115. Lost and Found (talk)

Finished the Mirage main quest line? Take a look below at what comes next!

All Wizard101 Main Quest Line Guides

Wizard City




















Happy Questing!

  • Wizard101 Mirage Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (28)
  • Wizard101 Mirage Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (29)
  • Wizard101 Mirage Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (30)
  • Wizard101 Mirage Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (31)
  • Wizard101 Mirage Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (32)

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Wizard101 Mirage Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (2024)


Is Mirage easy in Wizard101? ›

In Mirage, the way the mobs attack has forced many wizards to adapt and change their playing styles. You seem to be mistaking a strategy based on using lower-pip, enhanced spells as being a sign that the battle is "too easy." No, the battles are still difficult and risky. Those mobs hit HARD.

How long is Mirage Wiz101? ›

Depending on build (and team) I would estimate Mirage can take 8-16 hours.

What is the history of the cabal in wizard101? ›

The Cabal is a group of wizards and sorcerers, known as Cabalists, that are obsessed with restoring the First World by putting together the pieces of the Spiral. The group was formed from an exiled portion of the group that later went on to control the Arcanum.

What world is Mirage in Wizard101? ›

Mirage is a desert world in the Spiral. It is a member of the Council of Light.

What is the most fun solo school in wizard101? ›

Death is the best school for solo play and I see tons of players leveling as death because of this. It is by far the most frequently seen school from my perspective. You just stack up the boosts (especially feint when you get it) and one shot stuff with drain attacks getting huge chunks of hitpoints back.

What is the longest world in Wizard101? ›

Statistically, Khrysalis (world after Azteca) is currently the longest world within the entire spiral with over 100 quests to do. This is because it was the first world to be separated within two sections, with each section being released in separate updates.

What is the last mission in Mirage? ›

In The Pursuit of Truth is the final mission in Assassin's Creed Mirage. In this walkthrough, we'll see Basim returning to Alamut in an attempt to uncover who or what he truly is. Along the way to discovering the truth, Basim will need to defeat his most challenging opponent yet in one last showdown.

How long does Mirage stay invisible? ›

When downed, Mirage spawns a decoy that falls to its knees and dramatically pretends to be dying. He also turns invisible for 5 seconds, allowing for a quick escape. When invisible taking any kind of damage will cause you to flicker in and out of cloak.

What happened to Azteca in Wizard101? ›

Azteca, officially known as the Kingdom of Azteca is an ancient world in the Spiral. It was devastated by the comet Xibalba, leaving it in a "doomed" state.

Who is the old one Wizard101? ›

The Old One, known as the Great Old One to the Cabal or most famously as the World Render, among other names, was a so-called ancient being that was the engineer of Project Lemuria, a secret project to create a new First World by piecing together the worlds of the Spiral.

Are the cabal human? ›

Cabal, sometimes informally called "Space Rhinos," are a race of large bipedal humanoids located on Mars, Earth, Mercury, Nessus and The Reef. They are one of the primary antagonist species in the Destiny Series. The Cabal empire is a Massive military-industrial complex.

Where is assassin mirage? ›

Setting. Assassin's Creed Mirage is set in Baghdad during the Islamic Golden Age, primarily during the Anarchy at Samarra, which was a period of extreme internal instability during the reign of the Abbasid Caliphate.

What is DragonSpyre based off of? ›

Looking at Dragonspyre through a real-world lens, its inspiration seems to come from ancient Rome.

What country is Polaris based on? ›

Polaris is, according to most of us here, based off of Russia and France. Mirage is more than likely based off of the Arabian Peninsula area.

How do you get Mirage easily? ›

What's the quickest way to find Mirage Island? Sail a boat in Danger Zone 5 for increased chances at finding Mirage Island.

How long does it take to beat Mirage? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Assassin's Creed Mirage is about 16 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 30 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

What are the odds for Mirage Island? ›

The odds of a single Pokémon activating Mirage Island is 1/65536; this chance is increased to approximately 1/10923 if the player has a full party, assuming no two Pokémon in the player's party have the same first two bytes in their personality values.

What is the most powerful type of wizard in wizard101? ›

Storm has the best damage overall, if you look at storm owl, which has the highest amount of damage of any spell in the game, they can usually kill the enemies before they kill storm wizards. but the times that they can't do it, they are getting killed fast.

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