Here are some other tips for defeating Margit:
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"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What level for mirage?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"To get a Mirage Island to spawn, the player must be sailing a Boat in Sea Danger Levels 1-6, although it is more recommended to look for Mirage Island in Sea Danger Levels 4-5."}}]}}

Wizard101 Wizard City Main Quest Line - Final Bastion (2025)

Wizard101 Wizard City Main Quest Line - Final Bastion (1)

[Looking for a different part of this series? Click here]

This guide is meant to give you courage while questing. By following the quests in this guide, you can, for example, see exactly how many more defeat and collect (D&C) quests you still have before you can move on to the next area. I hope this guide will help you keep going, as you see the list of quests get shorter and shorter with every step you take.

I’m only listing the main quest line quests, aka storyline quests, which means the ones you have to do in order to get to the next area. Side quests are not mentioned. For each world, I list the quests you have to do in a certain area. The areas are listed in the order you should do them in (unless otherwise specified). The area is not always one hundred percent correct, as certain quests can require you to run back and forward between areas to talk to people. To simplify matters, I have not listed this kind of running; the quest will say “talk” but not where the NPC is located. Also, if there is only one quest in an area, I will not mention the area separately. Between brackets are the different parts of the quest, as sometimes a quest will require you to do multiple things.

I have divided the quests in the Spiral into the following groups:

  • Talk: Quests that require an interaction with an NPC.
  • Mob: Quests that require the defeat of regular monsters.
  • D&C: Quests that require the collection of something from certain monsters (Defeat and Collect).
  • Boss: Quests that require the defeat of a boss. Elite monsters are not counted as bosses.
  • Cheat: Quests the require the defeat of a cheating boss.
  • Instance: Quests that require the completion of a dungeon.
  • Puzzle: Quests that require the solution to a puzzle.
  • Interact: Quests that require interaction with a certain object.
  • Collect: Quests that require interaction with multiple items of a kind.
  • Explore: Quests that just require you to run towards a certain area, NPC or item.

Wizard City Main Quest Line

Wizard101 Wizard City Main Quest Line - Final Bastion (2)

Wizard City has a total of 39 quests. Among those are 6 bosses, 10 mobs and 8 Defeat and Collect quests.

It has three areas that you can do in whichever order you please: Triton Avenue, Firecat Alley and Cyclops Lane. Yay for freedom of choice! I usually start with Triton Avenue.

When I’m in Cyclops Lane, I spend some time killing enough Cyclops Legionnaires or whatever to get the Giant Hunter badge. I love that badge!

Unicorn Way

1.Unicorn Way – Explore + Talk
2. Ghost Hunters – Mob + Talk + Talk
3. Skeleton Crew – Mob + Talk
4. Monsters and Mazes – Explore + Talk
5. Finding Out Why – Interact + D&C + Explore + Talk
6. Who Could It Be Now? – Talk
7. Sinister Skeleton – Explore + Boss + Explore + Talk
8. Grim Tales –Talk + Talk
9. To Ravenwood! –Talk 4x
10. Panic In Three Streets! – Talk
11. Secret Strife of Pets – Interact + Explore + Mob + Explore + Interact + Explore + Talk 3x + Interact + Talk + Talk

Wizard101 Wizard City Main Quest Line - Final Bastion (3)

Cyclops Lane (Interchangeable with Firecat Alley and Triton Avenue)

12. A Good Day to Cyclops – Explore + Talk
13. A Stroll With Trolls – Mob + Talk
14. Run and Done – Talk 6x
15. The Cave Escape – Mob + Explore + D&C + Interact 3x + Talk
16. Oh Me, Oh Minotaur – Mob + Talk
17. Akilles’ Deal – Explore + Boss + Interact + Talk + Talk

Firecat Alley (Interchangeable with Cyclops Lane and Triton Avenue)

18. Putting Out the Fire! – Talk + Mob + Talk
19. She Ran Crying Wildfire – Talk + Mob + Talk
20. Which Hunt? – Talk + Mob + Talk + Talk + D&C + Talk
21. 100% Not That Witch – D&C + Talk + Explore + Boss + Talk
22. Which Craft? – Talk + Talk + Interact + Interact + Talk
23. The Cure – Explore + Boss + Talk + Talk
24. Firecat’s In the Bag – Talk + Talk

Wizard101 Wizard City Main Quest Line - Final Bastion (4)

Triton Avenue (Interchangeable with Cyclops Lane and Firecat Alley)

25. Trouble on Triton Avenue – Talk
26. Menacing Minions – Mob + Talk
27. The Shadow of Death Magic – Talk + D&C + Talk
28. Quest for Clues – D&C + Talk
29. Catching a Glimpse – Talk
30. Clear as Crystal – Interact + D&C + Talk + Explore + Interact + Talk
31. Luminate – Talk
32. The Enemy Revealed – Explore + Boss + Talk + Talk
33. To Tame a Tempest – Talk + Interact + Talk + Talk
34. Triton Report – Talk
35. Calming the Chaos –Talk

Wizard101 Wizard City Main Quest Line - Final Bastion (5)

Olde Town (After doing Cyclops Lane + Triton Avenue + Firecat Alley)

36. A Brief History of the Spiral – Talk + Explore + Explore + Boss + Explore + Talk
37. Throwing Nightshade – Explore + Boss + Talk
38. Things and Stuff – D&C + Talk + Talk
39. Take a Walk on the Nightside – Explore + Talk + Explore + Talk + Talk

Finished the Wizard City main quest line? Take a look below at what comes next!

All Wizard101 Main Quest Line Guides

Wizard City



















Happy Questing!

  • Wizard101 Wizard City Main Quest Line - Final Bastion (26)
  • Wizard101 Wizard City Main Quest Line - Final Bastion (27)
  • Wizard101 Wizard City Main Quest Line - Final Bastion (28)
  • Wizard101 Wizard City Main Quest Line - Final Bastion (29)
  • Wizard101 Wizard City Main Quest Line - Final Bastion (30)

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Wizard101 Wizard City Main Quest Line - Final Bastion (2025)


How to find quests in W101? ›

When you press the Quest Finder Button in your Journal the Quest Helper arrow will now point to the nearest available quest. Quest Finder will look for quests within your current area, and then expand to the current world you are in.

How many quests are in Wizard101? ›

Re: Tons of quest, but the question is...

Alright, if my math and my sources are correct, there are 2,456 quests in total, from WC to Polaris, side and main. I figured this out by looking up the exact amount of quests in each world (used wiki and central) and adding them up. You're welcome.

What is the Wizard City Underground? ›

Well, actually, beneath Wizard City is a complex network of Drains where the City's waste and refuse is sorted and disposed of by a cheery workforce of Bugs. Underneath that is the undiscovered world of wonders: ancient Catacombs brimming with lost history and forgotten stories. And all of these places are in upheaval.

Who is the hardest boss in Wizard City? ›

Lord Nightshade is, without a doubt, the most difficult boss to defeat in Wizard City (excluding Sunken City, and Briskbreeze Tower).

What's the longest word in Wizard101? ›

Statistically, Khrysalis (world after Azteca) is currently the longest world within the entire spiral with over 100 quests to do. This is because it was the first world to be separated within two sections, with each section being released in separate updates.

What is the longest dungeon in Wizard101? ›

The longest dungeon(s) are: Waterworks, Tower of the Helephant, and Ghost Avalon.

How many people still play Wizard101? ›

MonthAvg. PlayersPeak Players
Last 30 Days567.71,088
July 2024565.31,088
June 2024528.2907
May 2024534.41,162
68 more rows

Is Finn in Wizard City? ›

This is the only Distant Lands episode in which Finn does not appear.

How many quests does Wizard City have? ›

Wizard City has a total of 39 quests. Among those are 6 bosses, 10 mobs and 8 Defeat and Collect quests.

How do you get savior of Wizard City? ›

Savior of Wizard City (complete all main and side quests in Wizard City) Wizard City Explorer (complete “Find the Smiths”) Briskbreeze Champion (clear Briskbreeze Tower) Waterworks Warrior (clear Waterworks)

What level should I be at the end of Hogwarts legacy? ›

The true final mission (where you actually get the credits to roll) is level 34, but involves no combat.

What happens at level 50 in wizard101? ›

All trained spells of the Wizard's school through level 50 will be added to their spell book. (Note: You'll still want to add spells from your spell book to your deck before charging into combat!) A new set of level-appropriate gear, a mount and a pet will be awarded to the character.

What level should you be to beat Margot? ›

In Elden Ring, the recommended level to beat Margit the Fell Omen is at least 20, but ideally 25 or higher. However, the answer depends on your play style and how patient you are. You should also make sure you have a decent weapon, like a +3 weapon, and have explored enough of Limgrave before fighting Margit. 
Games Radar
Elden Ring Margit boss fight guide | GamesRadar+
Dec 14, 2022
What’s the best level to fight Margit in Elden Ring? - Polygon
Mar 17, 2022
Elden Ring: Margit the Fell Omen Boss Fight Guide (With Video)
May 13, 2022 — Don't fight him until you have a decent enough weapon (such as a +3 weapon), d...
Here are some other tips for defeating Margit:
  • Dodge
  • Use well-timed rolls instead of blocking
  • Learn his attack patterns and moves
  • Keep up the pressure to stagger him
  • Only attack when his back is turned
  • Use summons
  • Use Lone Wolf Ashes to distract him
  • Alternate blitzing with Glintstone Pebble magic
  • Dodge and follow the attack pattern to where Margit pauses 
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What level for mirage? ›

To get a Mirage Island to spawn, the player must be sailing a Boat in Sea Danger Levels 1-6, although it is more recommended to look for Mirage Island in Sea Danger Levels 4-5.

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